Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday Special XXIX



Big Bang Theory, S1, D1-3
Boys Over Flowers S1, D2-3
Honey & Clover S1
The Tale of Princess Kaguya
The Theory of Everything
Trinity Blood D1
Tsubasa D5-6

Friday, May 29, 2015

May '15 Flashback

I haven’t posted here in who knows how long, but I guess it’s time to maybe try and catch up a bit. I’m not going to attempt at this present time to guess at all I’ve seen since last updating, but maybe one day. For now, I’m just going to briefly go over the past month or so. I hope to also update this blog at least every two weeks if not more frequently, and possibly get out a few reviews this summer (mainly for anime series or kdramas).

This past month I've watched most/all of the anime series Darker Than Black (season 1) and Stein’s Gate, along with Free! seasons 1 & 2 with a friend as well as begun the kdrama, You’re Beautiful, with same friend. I also watched half of the Avengers: Age of Ultron in theaters (but was unable to finish due to unforeseen circumstances), and Big Eyes. I also started watching The Big Bang Theory myself. There were a few other series I may have started but I’m not pursuing them currently. My friend and I have recently gotten into having specific marathons. Originally, we were working on watching all of the Miyazaki films together (most of which I have already seen at least once before). Now we’re just going back and forth between anime series and kdramas. Fun times. :)

As for this upcoming month, I hope to watch Trinity Blood, Golden Time, Honey and Clover, and the rest of Blood+, You’re Beautiful (with friend), Boys Over Flowers (a kdrama I begun two months ago), Kuroko no Basuke (with same friend), and Say I Love You (also started awhile ago). I also hope to watch some other anime collections that I own but put aside long ago for one reason or another. There's also a couple of tv series that I wanted to catch up on/finish, like Merlin and Supernatural. I also want to go see Inside Out and When Marnie was Here in theaters.

But I guess we’ll just have to see how June goes…

On Sunday, I plan to post everything that I've gotten out recently (like from this past week), and then next Friday I'll try and update with everything I've watched. :)