Friday, May 30, 2014

Flashback Friday XXI

So here's what I got to this past week...


The Little Mermaid
*rewatch with my little sister*

*rewatch with a friend*

Thor the Dark World


Pandora Hearts
Season 1, Eps. 3-10 *watched half*

Season 1, Eps. 1-3

MythBusters, Collections 6 & 7
121: Thermite vs. Ice
123: Curving Bullets
125: Knock Your Socks Off
135: Hidden Nasties
140: Spy Car Escape
141: Bottle Bash

Once Upon a Time
Season 2, Eps. 11-18

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday Special XVII

This week's haul! :)


The Book Thief

Season 1, Disc 1

Collections 6 & 7

Once Upon a Time 
Season 2, Disc 3 & 4

Psych the Musical

Tales from Earthsea

Thor the Dark World

Friday, May 23, 2014

Flashback Friday XX

So not much again this week, but I have plenty that I could watch...probably next week... We also watched a Leverage episode but that was a rewatch for me so I'm not counting it. I feel like I'm forgetting something else, but I guess this really was it...hmm...


MythBusters, Collection 7
132: Dumpster Diving
136: Mini Myth Mayhem
137: Boomerang Bullet
138: Soda Cup Killer
139: Dive to Survive

Psych the Musical

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Flashback Friday XIX: Saturday Edition

Ok so I didn't do this last week, either because I just forgot or I didn't really watch that much because of finals... I had my last final yesterday, and I managed to finish all but one of my projects that I had an extension on until Sunday (the other I hope to finish today) and then I will have sooo much more time to devote to more informative posts...such as reviews. This probably won't happen until next month, though, just so I have a chance to write a bunch in advance. :P

Anyway, this is all that I can remember watching recently...and again, it's not that much...


That Darn Cat! 

Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings 
Season 2, Disc 1
Eps. 3 *restarted* - 5 *began*
Had to return season 2 because it was very overdue so I'm probably going to start 
back up in episode 5, whenever I get my hands on it again...

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday Special XVI

Here's the haul...

And May the 4th be with you.


Collection 9

The Vampire Diaries
Season 3, Discs 3 & 4

Friday, May 2, 2014

Flashback Friday XVIII

Slow week...


Frozen *rewatch*

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Myth Busters
103: Exploding Steak
109: Ninjas 2
110: Alcohol Myths
111: Motorcycle Flip
112: Coffin Punch
113: End with a Bang
115: Alaska Special 2
116: Banana Slip/Double Dip